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9th Root Dashboard Overview
9th Root Dashboard Overview
This course gives an overview of the 9th Root Dashboard.
9th Root Website Pop-Ups
9th Root Website Pop-Ups
This course gives an overview of how to manage the pop-ups on your website.
Activity Messenger Overview
Activity Messenger
Activity Messenger Overview
This course gives an overview of Activity Messenger.
Add a New User in Keap
Add a New User in Keap
Watch this E-Course to learn how to add a new user in Keap and how to set up their dashboard.
Amilia Billing
Amilia Billing
This course links to a few training tutorials about Amilia.
Amilia Grand Tour
Amilia Grand Tour
This course shows a tutorial that is a quick tour of Amilia.
Amilia-Birthday Party Bookings
Amilia-Birthday Party Bookings
This course will show how to do the following in Amilia: 1. Create a Birthday Party Activity. 2. Create and Collect a Deposit on a Party Booking. 3. Create and Collect Payment on the Final Invoice for a Party Booking.
Amilia-Studio Transactions
Amilia-Studio Transactions
This course will show how to do the following in Amilia: 1. Purchase a Family Membership. 2. Purchase a merchandise item. 3. Purchase and register a child for an activity.
Art Kit Campaign
Art Kit Campaign
This course reviews how to use the Art Kit Campaign in Infusionsoft.
Art Kits 101
Staff Training-General
Art Kits 101
This course gives an overview of what a Kidcreate Studio Art Kit is, how to make one, and how to sell them.

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